The Chronicles of Osreth Wiki

Osmer Orimar was the last Courier General under Varenechibel IV and Lord Chancellor Uleris Chavar.


Eiru Berenar described Orimar as "shiftless, stupid, and undisciplined."[1]


Orimar spent some time "actively deceiving" Uleris about his office, and led a "venal and incompetent reign" as the Courier General of the Untheileneise Court.[1] Much of his work was actually done by Captain Volsharezh, who reported to him for many years. Volsharezh "kept the courier system honest."[1] After Uleris' attempted coup, Maia Drazhar and the Corazhas appointed Eiru as Lord Chancellor, and Eiru spent a great deal of time cleaning up the mess Uleris had left behind, including uncovering Orimar's corruption. On Csevet Aisava's recommendation of Volsharezh, Maia requested Volsharezh's name be sent to Eiru to perhaps replace Orimar, so as not to clear the good away with the bad during Eiru's clean-up and organization efforts.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Addison, Katherine. “30. The Nineteenth Birthday of Edrehasivar VII and the Winternight Ball.” The Goblin Emperor, English 1st ed., Tim Doherty Associates, New York, NY, 2014.